Final Project Topic Brainstorm


Dante's Inferno- visual representation of Dante with other souls in Hell.

Topic 1: Dante's Inferno

I am interested in this topic because I have always heard stories about Dante's Inferno but I have never actually read anything about it. I feel like this is a good opportunity to gain background knowledge at the same time as retell the story in my own way. I am also interested in this topic because I like reading about the underworld and Greek mythology type stories concerning Hades and a hero's adventures to get back to the real world. I would like to learn everything about Dante's inferno since I have never actually heard anything. I want to read the original story and figure out the journey that Dante took. Hopefully I can gain more background on this so that I can possibly write my project over it.

Topic 2: Brother's Grimm- Little Red Cap

I am interested in this topic because it is basically the story of Little Red Riding Hood who I grew up reading about. I have read the original Red Riding Hood as well as multiple retellings of this story through movies such as Hoodwinked and more; therefore, I would say my background on this topic is extensive. I would like to learn more about alternate endings to this particular story since I only know those two endings. Maybe even more background on where the story first originated. I would like to add a plot twist to where Red's grandma kills the wolf, not the other way around. I think the story might have Grandma as the main character instead of Little Red.

Topic 3: Brother's Grimm- Rumpelstiltskin

I am interested in this topic because I have seen retellings of Rumpelstiltskin's story in the past; however, I have never heard the original story. TV shows such as Once Upon A Time and other short retellings show Rumpelstiltskin as an evil little man who tricks people into pricking their fingers on his golden wheel or tells them he will give them a wish when he actually won't. What I would really like to learn more about is the original story and how Rumpelstiltskin gained his bad reputation. If I was to give a retelling of his story, I think I would like to make a prequel explaining why Rumpelstiltskin is as evil as everyone makes him out to be. Overall, I am very interested in this topic and I hope to learn more background concerning the story of Rumpelstiltskin.

Topic 4: Through The Looking Glass

I am interested in this topic because Alice in Wonderland is one of the most famous children's stories ever told in my opinion. Through the looking glass is a sequel to the original Alice in Wonderland and there have been several retellings of this classic story in the past (including a movie!). I am a bit concerned with this topic though since within the looking glass unit, there are many continuations of the previous story; therefore, I would have to read the entire unit instead of just one short story. It is possible, I just do not want to get mixed up or confused with the way it is told throughout the unit. Something that I would like to learn more about is the original Alice in Wonderland in order to retell the sequel. Maybe if I read the original story by Lewis Carroll, I could gain better insight into the life of Alice and determine what could happen after her first experience in Wonderland. I would like to add some sort of plot twist to this story that either gets Alice stuck in Wonderland forever or something happens to where she never becomes the Queen. I am unsure though.


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