Week 8 Progress


Motivational quote to continue looking at throughout the semester.
Image from Jammy Bear.

So far within this class, I am behind on a lot of my points. I am not happy with my work so far because I have not been able to keep up with a lot of it. I am most proud of my first story that I wrote because it was one of the best pieces I have written in this class so far. I have not used any of the extra credit options in the past, yet I am planning on utilizing all of the extra credit points that I can in the future. Some changes I want to make in the future include not falling behind on all of the work that I need to complete and beginning to complete as much extra credit as possible each week. I want to start blocking out certain days each week to solely work on this class. If I dedicate certain days such as Monday and Tuesday each week to completing as much work as I can in this class and working ahead, I believe I can say on top of the assignments and extra credit that I want to do to regain points. Something I need to avoid doing in the future is telling myself that I can just make up points later. I have been telling myself this when I miss assignments and I have no actually started to make up these points yet; therefore, I have put myself into a hole that I now need to crawl out of. I am hoping to change this mindset immediately and regain points that I have lost so that I can hopefully make an A in this class!


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