Week 8 Reading and Writing

I  chose this image because it was from the first story I had ever written in this class based on The Three Roses. It was my favorite recreation of a story that I did not feel was rushed. Image link.

Overall, I am not very happy with my progress within this class so far. I have fallen behind a bit due to some personal issue that came up and now I am stressed about moving forward. I find it difficult to do the story writing each week because it feels as though I am writing a paper and I am not sure why. It is amazing once the finished product is done; however, the motivation to do the work is missing. I really enjoy the readings each week though, they are well written and I find that I learn something new from each story. I do not have much to say when it comes to the writing I have done in the past since I do not have much writing to base this post off of, but I felt very good walking into this class and now I am a bit disappointed in how it has turned out for me since I have fallen so far behind. Looking forward, I do not think anything should be different. This class is very awesome and it is easy to do things at your own pace! I hope to do the extra credit work so that I can make up for the lost points so far. I believe I still have enough time to complete enough extra credit to be able to bring my grade back up and my writing back to normal as well. I am a little nervous for the future but I believe it will all work out!


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